More than 50 political parties registered with junta’s UEC

More than 50 political parties registered with junta’s UEC

There are more than 50 political parties that have applied for party registration to the military coucil’s Union Election Commission (UEC) in order to run in the next election that the military council is attempting to hold, according to the junta-controlled propaganda newspaper.

The Shan State Kokang Democratic Party (SSKDP), the Naga National Party, the 88th Generation Student Youth (Union of Myanmar) Party, the Wa National Party, and the Danu National Organization Party have all submitted applications for party registration in accordance with Section 25 of the Party Registration Law.

Similarly, the Union of Myanmar Federation of National Politics, the People’s Party, the Women Party (Mon), the Mro National Development Party (MNDP), the People’s Party of Myanmar Farmers and Workers, the Zomi Congress for Democracy, and the Danu National Democracy Party have also registered as parties.

From February 1 to March 24, there were 8 parties that applied under Section 3 of the Party Registration Law, and 44 parties that applied under Section 25 of the Party Registration Law, for a total of 52 parties registered.

There are 12 parties that will organize from across the entire union and 40 parties that will organize only in one region or state, and the junta’s UEC is still verifying the establishment and registration of these parties.

Among them, 25 ethnic political parties will organize only within one region or state, such as Kachin, Shan, Rakhine, Karen, and Mon states, including Mandalay, Sagaing, and Irrawaddy, where most of their ethnic groups live.

The ethnic parties that won the last election, such as the Lahu National Development Party, the Chin National League for Democracy Party, the Kayan National Party, the Kayah State Democratic Party, and the Karen People’s Party, have yet to register their parties.

The military council has set the deadline for applying for party registration on March 28, and there are only a few days left to apply for party establishment and registration.

A party must apply for registration as a political party within 60 days, according to the military council’s Law on Registration of Political Parties, or it will be automatically dissolved as a political party.

The National League for Democracy (NLD), led by detained public leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD) have decided not to register as political parties.

News – Than Lwin Times

Photo – MOI

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