More than 30 military personnel killed in clashes in KNU’s Hpapun District in two weeks

More than 30 military personnel killed in clashes in KNU’s Hpapun District in two weeks

According to the KNU Brigade 5, nearly 60 clashes erupted between the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) joint forces and the junta and its allied force, the Border Guard Force (BGF), in the KNU’s Hpaupun District in the first half of November, killing more than 30 junta soldiers.

There were 58 skirmishes between the regime forces and its BGFs, and the resistance forces under KNLA Brigade 5 from November 1to November 15, which resulted in the deaths of 36 junta troops and the injuries of 23 others.

The 5th Brigade of the KNLA lost three comrades and sustained three injuries throughout the course of the two weeks of fighting, according to the statement.

Additionally, the BGF and military council troops purposefully shot 29 times with heavy weapons on civilian farms and roads, and they dropped 12 bombs on 3 places in Hpapun District, destroying houses and religious buildings.

The fighting is still ongoing in the territory of KNU Brigade 5, Hpapun District. As a result of the fighting and the military council’s violations of human rights, more than 130,000 locals have fled for safety and are in need of humanitarian aid, according to Karen civil society organizations.

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