More than 20,000 people displaced by junta’s airstrike in Nyaunglaybin

More than 20,000 people displaced by junta’s airstrike in Nyaunglaybin

The Karen National Union (KNU) said that more than 20,000 local residents have been forced to flee after two consecutive days of airstrikes by the military council targeting civilians in Nyaunglaybin District.

On November 12, the KNLA joint forces attacked and destroyed the Military Council’s Theinseik, Tonetadar and Bawkahtar camps in KNU’s 3rd Brigade, Nyaunlaybin, killing some military personnel and the KNLA seized a lot of weapons and ammunition.

Following the fighting, regime forces targeted the community and carried out at least ten airstrikes on the villages. On November 13, the junta conducted another air attack on the civilians, the KNU said.

As a result of the junta’s targeted attack on the villages, civilians were injured and their homes were damaged, and more than 20,000 residents from 18 villages were forced to flee to safety.

The junta army has reportedly been conducting a number of targeted airstrikes against civilians recently, whether or not there is a battle, according to KNU Spokesperson Pado Saw Taw Nee.

Aside from the ongoing fighting in the KNU’ Nyaunlaybin District, the number of IDPs who fled junta airstrikes has surpassed 90,000.

According to the KNU, more than 300,000 people have fled the conflict in Kawthoolei area, with more than 100,000 in desperate need of humanitarian aid.

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