More than 1,000 women and children killed in 2 years of military coup

More than 1,000 women and children killed in 2 years of military coup

More than 1,000 women and children have died since the military coup in Myanmar as of April 15 this year, according to the Ministry of Women, Youth, and Children Affairs of the National Unity Government (NUG).

The statement claimed that in the more than two years following the coup, the military council’s cruelties killed 1,033 individuals, including 637 women and 396 children.

In addition, more than 3,300 women and 355 children are still detained in prisons and jails.

Women and children accounted for 32% of those killed in the military council’s post-coup violence, and 17% of those arrested and jailed.

In recent days, nearly 40 children were killed in an airstrike by the military council in Pazigyi, the biggest number of children killed in more than two years since the military coup.

Some women and children have died due to the military council’s artillery shelling into the villages, air raids, arbitrary shootings, and torture while in custody.

According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), the civilian death toll during the military coup reached 3,240 as of April 12.

News – Than Lwin Times

Photo: NUG

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