Mon Youth plan to get engaged in politics and the peace process

Mon Youth plan to get engaged in politics and the peace process
Mon National Youth Dialogue (photo: Mi Suu Mon)
Mon National Youth Dialogue (photo: Mi Suu Mon)

Mon youth will help coordinate and support the engagement of young people to participate in Mon politics, the national peace process and other related affairs, according to a statement released on September 30th at the Mon National Youth Dialogue.

The New Mon State Party (NMSP), the Mon Unity Party (MUP) and the Mon Youth Forum (MYF) assembled and organized a Mon National Youth Dialogue at NMSP’s Thaton District Headquarters in Kawkareik Township, Karen State on September 29th and 30th.

“Mon youth will play [a helpful] role in relevant sectors in Mon political affairs and [will] help work for more seats for the Mon political party in the upcoming 2020 election,” said Nai Nyan Seik Raman, a spokesperson for the Mon Youth Forum (MYF).

The two day event also saw the approval of a Mon Youth Policy. A new committee has been formed to strengthen connections amongst Mon Youth organizations and the national-level Mon Youth Forum. Nai Nyan Seik Raman added there is also a group making preparations for the next Mon Youth Seminar.

“In the two-day discussion, most youth talked about the current situation of the peace process. They voiced their opinions [regarding] the government’s implementation of the peace process. [They noted it has been] barely effective since the process has [suffered many] delays,” said Nai Jar-Toi-Nai a representative from the Mon Music Association.

Mon youth also requested the New Mon State Party (NMSP) support youth related sectors to actively engage in the current peace process, he added.

An estimated 190 participants including the Mon Sangha [Monk] Association, NMSP, MUP, and numerous youth organizations from the township level and State/Region levels made presentations during the seminar.

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