Quarry projects limited to boundaries of Kaylatha Reserve

Quarry projects limited to boundaries of Kaylatha Reserve
Giant sign in Burmese reads “Stop all quarry projects in Kaylatha nature conservation area” (Photo: Belin News)
Giant sign in Burmese reads “Stop all quarry projects in Kaylatha nature conservation area” (Photo: Belin News)

Quarry projects have been permitted to only operate along the territorial edge of the Kaylatha Mountain nature conservation area, in Belin Township, Mon State, according to the Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment Conservation.

“The quarry projects have been given permission to operate in the nature conservation area. However, those project areas have been limited to the boundaries. Those areas have been places of previous quarry projects for a long time [ago]. The department permitted them to use those areas only because they have historically been quarry sites. It didn’t just permit what they requested, it was only after careful checking,” said U Kyaw Zaw, director of ministry office of forestry at the Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment Conservation.

However, the Mon State government was not informed of the quarry projects work permission in the Kaylatha Mountain nature conservation area.

“Firstly, there is already a letter regarding the quarry project from the State level director. However, this letter is only out in accordance with the union-level director. Why are they not acknowledging that this place is a sanctuary area? On September 1, there was letter that said further quarry operations would damage the environment. Subsequently, on September 29, there was no remark on the quarry projects. Therefore, the letter that came out on September 1 and the letter on September 29 are complete contradictions. Both letters were sent from district to Union level departments. Displaying that the state-level department was not involved and that no sector of the State government was able to be involved,” said U Tin Ko Ko Oo, of Belin Township Pyithu Hluttaw Representative.

U Tin Ko Ko Oo will question the permitted quarry project in the Kaylatha natural conservation area at the Hluttaw [parliament].

“I already asked the Forestry Department for the documents regarding the Kaylatha area [projects]. These are concerning which areas the companies are allowed for quarry activities, which are for the prison, and which areas are for the village area. I will ask whether the prison [administration] area and the quarry sites are permitted by the forestry department. If they are not permitted, this must be stopped. What I understand is that Kaylatha Mountain is a sanctuary. Therefore, if the quarry projects are permitted, the question would be raised, “what do they mean when they say they are working for natural environmental conservation?,”said Belin Township Pyithu Hluttaw Representative.

Rock Well Mining Co., Ltd has been permitted 45 acres of land at the Kaylatha Mount for quarry production. The company’s official U Than Zin Htun and U Min Thein Myint, director of Mon State’s Forestry Department signed the agreement on June 1.

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