Military regime burns down residences in Kyaikto

Military regime burns down residences in Kyaikto

The regime forces have set fire to the homes of the locals in KNU-controlled Kyaikto Township, where fighting intensifies, a representative of KNU’s Thaton District told Than Lwin Times.

On the morning of October 19, the regime troops stationed at the monastery in Painnegon village set fire to five homes for no reason.

The military council ransacked the house before setting it on fire and took some valuables, a spokesperson for KNU’s Thaton District, Padoh Saw Aye Naing said.

At present, almost all the villagers are fleeing because the junta troops are stationed in Painnegon village.

The Military Council threatened to burn down the entire village if the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and allies attacked them.

Since October 14, after the regime forces moved into Kyaikto Township, daily battles between the army and the KNLA joint forces have continued, with casualties on both sides.

Due to the fighting between the two sides, nearly 5,000 local people from more than 10 nearby villages, including Painnegon, Kadaidut, and Pyinkadoegon villages, are hiding in nearby forests and safe places.

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