Military raids downtown Buthidaung displacement camp, fires warning shots

Military raids downtown Buthidaung displacement camp, fires warning shots
Yanaungmyay IDP camp in Buthidaung town. (Photo: Sarpay Uyin [Literature Garden] – Buthidaung)
Yanaungmyay IDP camp in Buthidaung town. (Photo: Sarpay Uyin [Literature Garden] – Buthidaung)

The Myanmar military raided the Yanaungmyay camp for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Buthidaung town, Arakan State, at around 1 a.m. on October 4, opening fire during the course of the raid and causing concern among resident IDPs.

IDPs said junta soldiers in three groups entered the displacement camp with five military trucks and fired warning shots.

“Regime soldiers in five military trucks arrived at the displacement camp at midnight and fired warning shots,” said an IDP from the camp. “I don’t know why warning shots were fired. The junta soldiers didn’t conduct security checks at homes.”

There was no reported damage to the displacement camp from the military’s shots fired, but some displaced people were frightened and returned to their homes as a result, another IDP said.

“There was no damage to the displacement camp but some IDPs dared not stay in the camp and returned to their homes. We have nowhere else to go because junta soldiers are stationed in the village,” he added.

The IDP camp hosts about 660 displaced people from Buthidaung Township’s Staung, Ngwaryonetaung, Sangotaung, Uyinthar and Shitshartaung villages, according to camp officials.

DMG contacted Arakan State Minister for Security and Border Affairs Colonel Kyaw Thura to seek comment on the matter, but he could not be reached.

U Aung Thaung Shwe, a former lawmaker in the Arakan State parliament representing Buthidaung Township, criticised the military’s reported guns-blazing presence in the displacement camp.

“The Myanmar military is purposely making the Arakanese people suffer. Also, the Myanmar military is forcing the displaced people to return home. These are actions that should not be done,” the ex-legislator added.

The regime is pushing IDPs from some townships in Arakan State and neighbouring Paletwa Township, Chin State, to return home this month amid renewed fighting between the military and Arakan Army (AA).

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