Military Junta Officials Questions Karen Political Parties of their Position on NUG

Military Junta Officials Questions Karen Political Parties of their Position on NUG

Ministry of Interior officials paid a visit and questioned Karen political leaders on their personal and their respective parties standpoints toward the National Unity Government.

During the visit, members of the Karen parties were asked for their executive lists as well as personal information and if they issued a letter of support for the National Unity Government (NUG), according to a Karen party official.

An official from the Kayin People’s Party (KPP) said that on June 16 the General Administration Department and its affiliates inspected KPP office and asked for the list of party executives.

A KPP official told Karen News, "Officials from GAD and other related departments visited our office. There was nothing significant in it, they just wanted our Party’s Executive list.”

Mahn Aung Pyi Soe, chairperson of the Hpa-an based Karen National Democratic Party (KNDP) said Ministry of Interior’s officials visited their office in early June 2021.

The officials inspected the party office and again asked for party’s executive committee list and personal information, according to party’s chairperson.

A party member of the Karen National Party (KNP), based in the Ayeyawaddy Division, was also questioned about their position on the NUG.

“We were unable to open an office due to the party’s limited financial position, so a party member was summoned to the General Administration Office and asked if we had issued any letter of support for the NUG. The person who was summoned had to sign a document confirming we didn’t issue any letter of support.”

Legal Karen political parties include the Kayin People’s Party, Phalon-Swor Democratic Party, The Karen National Democratic Party (KNDP) and the Karen National Party (KNP).




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