Military Council Suffers High Casualties in Laihka Township Battle

Military Council Suffers High Casualties in Laihka Township Battle

The Military Council suffered significant casualties during the clash that occurred on August 6 between the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA) and the Military Council in Laihka Township, Loilem District, Shan State.

The SSPP/SSA field commander informed Shan News Agency that clashes between the both sides, which began at 6:00 am on August 6, occurred at different locations. He suggested that there might be a minimum of 20 casualties on the Military Council's side.

"Today's conflict unfolded across three or four locations. As per our field report, the Military Council is estimated to have suffered no fewer than 20 casualties today. Sadly we lost one comrade on our side. In the incident near Hkaing Hpat Num camp, a comrade from our faction was hit when they commenced firing," conveyed a field commander from SSPP/SSA to SHAN.

On August 6, the clash near Metlan village in Laihka Township occurred in three separate instances: first, from approximately 6:00 am-8:00 am  second, at around 10:00 am - and third, from about 12:00 pm -to 2:00 pm .As of now, the situation on the ground indicates a decrease in gunfire noises, but the military situation remains tense.

A field commander from SSPP/SSA informed SHAN that during these clashes, the Military Council launched artillery shells. However, the Military Council incurred losses, while SSPP managed to seize 2 guns, a military vehicle, and took 2 soldiers as prisoners of war.

"Yes, their side has suffered significant casualties. We managed to apprehend two of their personnel. Additionally, we seized two firearms and a vehicle. As of now, there are no Military Council soldiers in the vicinity of Namting Bridge. The current military situation remains tense," reported the field commander of SSPP/SSA to SHAN.

As a result of these skirmishes, local residents sought refuge in the homes of their relatives within Laihka urban areas, with some finding shelter in monasteries.

"We were compelled to seek refuge with our relatives in Laihka township. Those without motorcycles or tractors are still stranded in the village. This type of conflict is unprecedented for us, and it has left some individuals with trembling limbs unable to flee. Those with conditions like high blood pressure are immobilized and remain in the village," recounted a local woman who managed to escape.Due to the conflict, residents from Hehseng village-tract and Mansae village-tract are evacuating to their acquaintances and family members in the town. However, the exact count of individuals who have fled is currently unknown.

As per the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA) statement, the coup regime troops launched an attack on the SSPP/SSA's camp near Hehseng village-tract, specifically at Hkaing Hpat Num, Nampauk village. The attack involved around 70 troops from the Military Council, resulting in a skirmish between the two parties.

Similarly, the SSPP/SSA resisted against the Military Council's Light Infantry Battalion 573 stationed in Mansae village-tract, Laihka Township, and the conflict between the two sides is escalating in intensity, according to the statement.

The Military Council persistently pressured the SSPP to withdraw 10 military bases, leaving the SSPP unable to relocate its forces for the security of its headquarters, and battle occurred because the Military Council launched an attack.

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