Military Council Responds with Artillery Shells on Village following Attack on Division Commander's House and Headquarters

Military Council Responds with Artillery Shells on Village following Attack on Division Commander's House and Headquarters

Following the assault on the residence of the Division Commander and the Division Headquarters office located at the headquarters of the No. 44 Light Infantry Division in Kyaikhto Township, Mon State, on March 21 at 10:00 am, the Kyaikhto Revolution Force (KRF) reported that the Military Council's troops have retaliated by launching artillery shells into the adjacent village.

A KRF news and information officer said that the residence of the Division Commander and the Division Headquarters office in the headquarters were targeted with drone bombs jointly launched by the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), Kyaikhto Revolution Force (KRF), People's Defense Force (PDF), Thaton People's Defense Force (TPDF Drone Unit).

"The situation is that the headquarters office and the Division Commander's house may have been hit. They returned fire with artillery shells and exploded in the nearby villages. They are always firing in the villages. I cannot say exactly where they fired back. There are many places where their weapons are stationed," he told KIC.

In addition, KNLA, KRF, PDF, TPDF Drone Unit also carried out a drone attack on the Military Council's Thantadar checkpoint between Kyaikhto Township and Bilin Township in Mon State, he added.

"That checkpoint is where the Military Council troops are always present. They conduct traffic checks. They always conduct shootings. We do not know whether they have increased their strength or not. When we went to attack, there were about 15 of them," said the news and information officer.

The KIC Karen news agency has been unable to verify independently the number of casualties among Military Council troops during the attack on the residence of the Division Commander, the headquarters office, and the Military Council checkpoint at the No. 44 Light Infantry Division's headquarters. Furthermore, the Military Council has not yet released any official statement regarding the incident.

According to the release of the joint forces, there was no damage to the joint revolutionary forces in the attack.

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