Military Council prohibits food storage in Pathein

Military Council prohibits food storage in Pathein

The Military Council instructed the families living in the small villages on the side of the Pathein-Mawtin Road and hamlets in nearby forest areas not to stockpile rice and other groceries.

They also accused local residents living along the Pathein-Mawtin Roadin Ayeyarwady Division of supporting the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs).

“The soldiers said they knew the villagers were providing rice and food for PDFs. They instructed the locals not to sell or give rice and groceries to PDFs. An army captain also warned that they would confiscate and take action, if they found out there was an excess of food stored”, a local said.

This ban was imposed by the Military Council battalion, which has been conducting area clearance operations in the forests along Rakhine Yoma Mountain Ranges beside Pathein-Mawtin Road since the third week of October, according to local residents.

The Army issued instruction to keep no more than 7-pyi of rice per household for a week,  and not to stock up on dry noodles, dry vermicelli packs, cookies, biscuits and other ready-to-eat food items, according to the villagers.

Furthermore,The Military Council has also issued an order to inform the nearest police station, army base or local administrative departments, if suspicious strangers are spotted to come to buy groceries at shops near Pathein-Mawtin Road.

In addition the army sent informers into the villages close to the forest areas along the Pathein-Mawtin Road, to monitor the local population, the residents said.

“Informers disguised as woodcutters, charcoal makers and vegetable pickers can often be seen in the forest”, a local from the town of Nga Yoke Kaung on the side of the highway said.

The Army is clearing the area after rumours spread that PDF and Arakan Army (AA) members are infiltrating and hiding in the forests near the Rakhine Yoma Mountain Ranges along the Pathein-Mawtin Road. A source close to the local authorities said that the two groups, each containing around 60 soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members, are conducting operations in the jungles.

The troops operating in the area entered Sinmon and Polaung villages on October 10. and Nga Yoke Kaung and Thebyu on October 21, beating and interrogating some residents accused of being in contact with the PDFs.

Those who make a living as charcoal makers or woodcutters were beaten and questioned. The soldiers scolded and threatened to beat and kill the villagers every time when they entered the villages”, a local said.

Local sources said that the Military Council often conducted operations in the areas such as Kyangin, Laymyethna, Thabuang, Pathein, Chaung Thar, Yegyi, Ngathaingchaung, Ngwe Saung, Ngaputaw, Hainggyikyun and Mawtin, all part of Ayeyarwady Division and border Rakhine Yoma.

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