Military Council Arrests Over 50 Individuals in Jade Mining Sites, Hpakant Township

Military Council Arrests Over 50 Individuals in Jade Mining Sites, Hpakant Township

A large force of Military Council troops conducted a raid on jade mining sites in San Khar and Maw Mao La Yang villages in Hpakant Township. As a result, they arrested a minimum of 50 civilians who were engaged in mining jade at those locations, according to locals.

According to a male activist from Hpakant Township, on May 29 at approximately 5:00 PM, a group of Military Council troops, consisting of about 40 soldiers, entered the company sites. They conducted a mass arrest of both company workers and jade scavengers from three jade mining sites.

"A significant number of individuals were apprehended, including drivers from Bright Star company, backhoe operators, jade scavengers, as well as vendors and jade brokers. Approximately 50 people were arrested in total," he said.

Out of the more than 50 individuals who were arrested, it was reported that several women were also among them. Following their arrest on the night of May 29, the arrested individuals, along with the military column, were stationed overnight at the Bright Star Company. However, the residents stated that on the morning of May 30, they were transported to Kahtan village.

A resident from Long Khin village said, "Yes, last night there was a raid on the Bright Star Company in San Khar, resulting in the arrest of numerous individuals. The military column came from Mazut Yang and is known for patrolling the jade mining sites. Those arrested were allegedly forced to serve as human shields."

Reports indicate that the column of Military Council troops entered the company's compound while firing their guns while on the move. Local sources claim that as a result, three young men were fatally shot by the Military Council. However, the KNG news agency is currently conducting an investigation to verify these claims.

Furthermore, during the arrest of over 50 civilians, some vehicles belonging to jade brokers were also seized. Local residents reported that they were being required to pay a sum of 5 million kyats per car in order to retrieve them.

A local resident from Hpakant, who is actively involved in the revolutionary movement, shared the following statement regarding the Military Council's targeting of jade company sites.

"They conducted the raid on the company with the aim of gaining control over it. They believe that these companies are offering support to the revolution from a certain perspective, which is why they are creating obstacles for them," he remarked.

On May 27, there was a raid on the jade boss U Kyauk Naing's site located between Maw Mao La Yang and Maw Wan Gyi villages. During the operation, over 20 jade scavengers were arrested.

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