Military council adopts Arms Act that carries death penalty

Military council adopts Arms Act that carries death penalty

On May 11, the military council enacted the Arms Act, which can impose a minimum sentence of six months to life imprisonment or the death penalty if anyone is found guilty of illegally carrying a weapon and violates any prohibitions.

According to Article 419 of the 2008 Constitution, this Arms Act was signed by military leader General Min Aung Hlaing and all Arms Acts and Orders in force from 1878 to 1924 are hereby repealed.

The Arms Act, which includes Chapter 9 and Section 44, is intended to prevent and prevent crimes committed by carrying weapons that may affect national security, law and order, and community peace, as well as to prevent illegal production, distribution, and importation of arms.

The law states that no one shall transport, possess, or carry any weapon with the intention of committing treason, nor shall he destroy any weapon belonging to the state with the intent to destroy the state. Any firearm or ammunition that belongs to a state-owned weapon or a person who is legally allowed to possess one cannot be stolen, sold, transferred to someone else, or attempted to be stolen.

In addition, the law also states that it is prohibited to carry or display a weapon in a public place with the intention of threatening or scaring someone.

If found carrying, possessing or transporting a weapon against the law in a public place, the person will be arrested and the weapon will be confiscated, it said.

According to the Arms Act, anyone found guilty of violating any prohibition by illegally possessing a weapon can be sentenced to a minimum of six months to a life imprisonment or the death penalty.

On the other hand, the military council issued a policy on the right to carry firearms for staff, including civilians who really need to carry guns for their security on January 31.

In addition, the military council issued a statement on May 9 to apply for a license in accordance with the principle of the right to possess firearms in order to reduce and eliminate the illegal possession of weapons and ammunition and to prevent the misuse of them.

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