Military Commits Massacre To Divide Karenni And Pa-O, Leaders Say

Military Commits Massacre To Divide Karenni And Pa-O, Leaders Say

Leaders of the Pa-O and Karenni communities in southern Shan State have warned that the military regime is trying to divide ethnic groups by carrying out massacres like the recent one in Pinlaung Township and blaming armed groups fighting to overthrow Burma’s dictatorship.

U Aung San Myint, chair of the Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC), said, “The terrorist group (military) killed civilians and Buddhist monks in Nam Neing. Afterwards, they accused

Karenni resistance groups for the massacre. They’re fomenting inter-ethnic conflicts between the different ethnic groups. The Karenni and Pa-O ethnic groups need to take care of this problem.”

The Karenni and the Pa-O have lived together for many years, Aung San Myint explained, and Shouldn’t believe the propaganda of the military junta and make unfounded accusations against

the different communities. Everyone must work together and take action against the perpetrators of this heinous crime until justice is served for the victims.

Khun Myint Tun, chair of the Pa-O National Federal Council, also said the military isn’t only trying to stir up enmity between the groups, he explained, but also to drive a wedge between the Pa-O community and their armed groups.

“We must keep the love strong between the Karenni and Pa-O nationalities and remain united,” he told NMG.

On 11 March, regime soldiers murdered over 20 people and three Buddhist monks. The Military’s Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun was quoted in the junta’s mouthpiece, MRTV, and in several newspapers blaming Karenni resistance groups for murdering the villagers of Nam Neing. Supporters of the army spread this fake news on Facebook.

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