Legal staff restricted from expressing political views

Legal staff restricted from expressing political views

The Military Council's legal staff has been warned by the Supreme Court of the Union not to share their political views on social media, according to sources close to the court.

The regime’s Supreme Court of the Union instructed legal staff not to write political opinions on social media, not to post anything critical of the Military Council, and not to post images in departmental uniforms, during the third week of October.

All legal staff, including the relevant judges and judicial officers, were requested to sign that they were aware of the instructions, and they were told to give further verbal instructions so that other legal staff would follow them as well.

According to a lawyer, the military council's ban is unreasonable and it hinders people's fundamental rights because politics is a part of everyday life that no one can ignore.

Additionally, he stated that it is against Article (354) of the 2008 Constitution for anyone to restrict someone else's rights to express their own individual opinions, beliefs, and ideas without harming others.

A lawyer also criticized that the military council's banning of judicial personnel is not appropriate according to the law, as it is not a clear statement and people can be taken action at any time.

Political analysts also say that the military council may issue directives to control the employees due to the rising criticism among them of the deteriorating state of the country as well as politics and economy.

According to the regime’s Supreme Court of the Union, the prohibition on judicial staff is the result of the leakage of court-related information on social networks, negligence of duty, and the public's misunderstanding of judges and judicial officers.

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