At least 10 junta soldiers reportedly killed in ambush attack on military convoy in Tanintharyi

At least 10 junta soldiers reportedly killed in ambush attack on military convoy in Tanintharyi

A military convoy was caught in a surprise attack on the Myeik-Kawthoung road near Htone Khar cemetery beyond Yebyu village in Tanintharyi on the evening of December 2, KNLA-TCSJF (Tiger Commando Special Joint Force) confirmed to Than Lwin Times.

The KNLA-TCSJF attacked a five-vehicle convoy carrying over 100 soldiers heading to Bokepyin from Myeik around 5 pm.

The two sides engaged in a firefight for nearly thirty minutes after the attack.

At least 10 military personnel might have been killed in the ambush, the sources from (KNLA-TCSJF) reported.

After that, the soldiers loaded their dead soldiers into the car and drove away into the Chaung Lamu monastery.

The regime’s military convoy stopped at the Chaung Lamu monastery until the morning of December 3.

Since November, there have been battles in Tanintharyi Township between the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) and the junta army, which have resulted in casualties on both sides.

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