Learning democracy in school poses a big threat to military council

Learning democracy in school poses a big threat to military council

The military council has banned the teaching of democracy in private schools, and the fact that students are aware of democratic values is a big threat to the military council, said democracy activists and the academic community.

The Ministry of Education of the military council sent a notice on February 17 to all the district education officers of Karen State to issue rules and laws regarding the teaching of western democratic culture in private schools.

The directive states that once the private education law is enacted, it will effectively prevent the indoctrination of Western democratic culture and other undesirables.

“The military group forbids the teaching of democracy because it is afraid of the development of democracy, and this move is an attempt to prolong the military dictatorship,” said Ko Min Khan Kyaw Lin, a member of the online education Burma Academy.

In fact, Western democratic culture is the teaching of the values of human rights and love for each other in democratic countries.

Former student leader and pro-democracy activist, Ko Min Thwe Thit also criticized the military council’s decision as removing the seeds of democracy and resources to prolong the military dictatorship.

He added, “I believe that the military council will continue to impose restrictions on international organizations, international humanitarian aid organizations, NGOs, and CSOs that interact with them”.

The National Education Law was also revised by the Military Council in October, including the requirement that “Burmese language must be used as a teaching language at the basic education level.”

At present, the military council has amended the laws previously approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw during the coup for more than two years, without the approval of the parliaments, under Article 419 of the 2008 Constitution.

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