KIO chairman urges an end to tensions between Kachin and Shan ethnic groups on the 62nd anniversary of Kachin Revolution Day

KIO chairman urges an end to tensions between Kachin and Shan ethnic groups on the 62nd anniversary of Kachin Revolution Day

KIO/KIA chairman General N’ban La urged the Kachin and Shan ethnic groups, to unite in a common struggle against oppression to defeat the military regime, and be aware of the who has incite ethnic tensions between us..

The chairman of the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO/KIA) made this statement in his speech commemorating the 62nd anniversary of Kachin Revolution Day held in Laiza.ဒ

General N’ban La, chairman of KIO/KIA, said, “I would also like to say a word to the Shan ethnics who have lived together with the Kachin people over many decades. Successive governments practicing chauvinism and military dictatorship have incited tensions and disruption of our co-existence, which to misunderstandings and disagreements between us. We need to know who is the real enemy and who cause misunderstandings between us.”

General N’ban La’ s speech commemorating the 62nd anniversary of Kachin Revolution Day was published in Kachin language, and read by KIA commander in chief General Gam Shawng.

“ We are all oppressed people. Let me send a message that now is the time for everyone to work together to free themselves from our common oppression,” General N’ban La continued.

He also added that successive military regimes are the common enemy that is working to create conflict between the Kachin and Shan ethnic groups, and that all ethnic groups. are oppressed by successive military regime. So now is the time to work together to eradicate the military dictatorship.

He pointed out that the Military Council is currently facing a crisis on both sides, and that if we fight alone, we will not be able to defeat the enemy. So it is very important for all the revolutionary forces of the oppressed indigenous people to unite.

The military council, on the other hand proclaims peace to the world, but in reality ethnic peoples living in the mountains are being eradicated through military strategy, 2023 is a very important year for the Military Council. hey will try to hold elections and legitimize their power. The Kachin people have been fighting against successive military dictators for many years, we do not accept their system of injustice. We fight as part of the Spring Revolution, to end dictatorship and strive for equality with all other ethnic groups.

We appreciate the message sent by Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH). KIO/KIA’ s 62nd anniversary of Kachin Revolution Day was held at the KIO headquarters in Laiza, where a Christian prayer service was held, as well as in nearby IDP camps.

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