Karenni revolutionary forces demand more ammunition for waging war

Karenni revolutionary forces demand more ammunition for waging war

The Karenni State’s revolutionary forces, which are fighting against regime troops every day, have an urgent need for ammunition, the officials from resistance forces told Than Lwin Times.

Fierce fighting has resumed in Karenni State’s Demoso, Bawlakhe, around Loikaw, Moebye and Thain-Kayah border since early June.

With the fierce and prolonged battle, some battalions are running out of ammo and awaiting supplies to engage in combat, according to Karenni resistance forces.

Adjutant General Khu Ri Doo of the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) has urged people to support them as much as possible because ammunition is in short supply.

“The main requirement for a long-term battle is ammunition. We will seize the weapons from the enemy. Please continue to support us," he said.

According to Karenni resistance fighters, a three-hour battle costs between 300,000 and 400,000 kyats, with nearly 100 million kyats for intense fighting.

The revolutionary forces have been running campaigns and lucky draw programs to obtain guns and ammunition, and that aid has been diminishing recently.

The KNDF launched a "junta army disappears after setting foot in Karenni land " campaign from August 23 to September 23, but received only 30 percent of the expected supply,  requiring the campaign deadline to be extended.

The two Mobye PDF battalions are likewise running a "point-five machine gun for Mobye"campaign, with only 4.6% of the required aid still available in two weeks.

According to an official from Mobye PDF, if the ammunition campaign reached expectations, they could launch a massive war.

He added that a point-five gunship that can be used for air and ground operations could cost 5,000 lakhs.

On the other hand, the armed resistance forces are having trouble buying weapons and ammunition while the dollar and baht are strong.

According to the Revolutionary Forces, the junta army has been strengthening troops and delivering long-range missiles and tanks to Kayah State in recent days.

According to the KNDF, more than 50 battles broke out between regime forces and the revolutionary forces in Kayah State (Karenni) in August, killing nearly 100 junta soldiers.

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