Karenni defence forces and junta forces fight 35 times in February

Karenni defence forces and junta forces fight 35 times in February

There were 35 clashes between the Military Council forces and the Karenni Joint Forces in Karenni State in February 2023, according to the Karen Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) News and Information team.

In February, 45 members of the Military Council were killed, 16 were wounded, and 34 weapons were seized along with some ammunition, according to a statement by the KNDF News and Information team.

In the same period, junta forces killed eight civilians, including children, and injured 12 were in Karenni State

The clashes included Karenni defence forces attacking junta army camps in Loikaw, Moebye, Hpruso, and Pinlaung townships.

During February the junta targetted civilians in the townships of Demoso, Hpruso, Loikaw, Pekhon by firing artillery at them and launching airstrikes.

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