Justice For Myanmar welcomes added UK sanctions on arms dealers

Justice For Myanmar welcomes added UK sanctions on arms dealers
A view of the Parliament building in London, Britain. Photo: EPA
A view of the Parliament building in London, Britain. Photo: EPA

The NGO Justice For Myanmar has welcomed the UK government’s second round of sanctions targeting arms dealers trading with the military junta.

The UK has designated three Russian arms suppliers and three Myanmar arms brokers who supply the Myanmar Air Force and are complicit in the junta’s atrocity crimes, the NGO said in a statement on 16 June.

The Myanmar companies are:

Myanmar New Era Trading Company Limited has procured Mi-17 parts from Russia since the military’s attempted coup. It is linked to International Gateways Group.

Sky Aviator Company Limited is a Myanmar miliary arms broker that has procured equipment from Russia and Ukraine since the attempted coup, including YAK-130 support equipment from Concern Radio-Electronic Technologies (KRET), refitted turbojet engines from United Engine Corporation and engine parts from Rosoboronexport and Motor Sich. According to a proposal leaked to Justice For Myanmar, Sky Aviator represents JSC Russian Helicopters in Myanmar.

Synpex Shwe Company Limited procured helicopter parts for the Myanmar military from Sins Avia Trading House (CNS Aviation) since the attempted coup. The company is also a supplier of the Directorate of Defence Industries.

The Russian companies are:

JSC Gorizont manufactures the Camcopter S-100 UAV under licence from Austria’s Schiebel Corporation. The Myanmar Navy and Air Force have both procured Camcopter S-100 UAVs. Following the Myanmar military’s attempted coup, Gorizont shipped UAV parts to Miya Win International Limited, a Myanmar military arms broker. These included items procured from Schiebel in Austria, suggesting an attempt to circumvent EU sanctions. Miya Win International was sanctioned by the UK on March 25.

Sins Avia Trading House LLC (CNS Aviation) exported helicopter parts to the Myanmar military arms broker Synpex Shwe Company Limited in March 2021.

Ural Avia LLC specialises in the supply of aviation parts and repair, and has sold Mi-17 parts to the Myanmar military arms broker Dynasty International Company Limited since the attempted coup, according to records from ImportGenius. Dynasty International and its director, Dr Aung Moe Myint, were sanctioned by the UK on March 25.

Justice For Myanmar spokesperson Yadanar Maung says: “We welcome the UK’s targeting of arms suppliers, which enable the junta’s campaign of terror against the people of Myanmar.

"The military’s continued war crimes and crimes against humanity are enabled by their access to arms, equipment, jet fuel and revenue.

"The military’s supply chains must be systematically targeted with sanctions to stop their international crimes.

"We call for urgent and coordinated international action against the Myanmar military’s economic interests and business relationships, including from regional democracies Australia, India, Japan and South Korea which have so far failed to act."

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