Junta shelling displaces 75,000 in south east Myanmar during July

Junta shelling displaces 75,000 in south east Myanmar during July

Relentless junta artillery bombardments forced over 75,000 civilians to flee their homes and destroyed or damaged over 120 houses in south eastern Myanmar during the month of July 2024.

“More than 75,000 people were displaced in just one month in Karen State, Mon State, and Tanintharyi Region,” said Nai Aue Mon, Programme Director at HURFOM.

He added that a total of 120 homes were either damaged or destroyed in July as a result of the indiscriminate shelling by junta troops. The affected townships include Yebyu and Dawei in Tanintharyi Region; Kyainseikgyie and Kawkareik in Karen State; and Bilin, Kyaikto, and Ye in Mon State.

"The junta troops fired random artillery barrages at civilian areas, causing houses to completely collapse, burn to ashes, or be partially destroyed. The 120 houses I mentioned is the total number of those completely and partially destroyed,” Nai Aue Mon said.

Many of the displaced, whose homes were destroyed or who fled due to the constant threat of shelling, have sought refuge in territories controlled by resistance forces in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region, according to local sources.

The journey to safety for the displaced people (IDPs) has been fraught with difficulties. They have had to navigate through harsh conditions to reach areas under the control of either the New Mon State Party (NMSP); other ethnic armed organisations in Mon and Karen states, or the National Unity Government (NUG) backed people’s defence forces (PDFs) in Dawei Township, Tanintharyi Region.

The 75,000 people newly displaced in Karen State, Mon State, and Tanintharyi Region are facing numerous challenges and urgently need food, shelter, healthcare, and other support.

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