Junta restricts transport of rice to eastern Dawei

Junta restricts transport of rice to eastern Dawei

Residents told Than Lwin Times that they may suffer a food shortage in the near future since the military council has restricted rice transportation to communities in Dawei Township's east region, Tanintharyi Region.

The Military Council has restricted the transportation of rice to Dawei East Forest area since the beginning of October.

The military council checked the trucks carrying rice bags at the Pakari and Byawtawwa checkpoints and confiscated them.

Residents claim that because of the military council's restrictions on rice transportation, the region's rice prices have soared, and they may face a rice shortage in the near future.

On the other hand, the military council expanded their forces after cutting off food to the eastern Dawei area, along with military preparations.

According to an eastern Dawei PDF member, the fighting could become more severe because the Military Council is preparing for battle by restricting food supply to the communities.

Fighting between junta forces and PDFs in the eastern Dawei area has continued since the military coup, and the military council has committed a spate of arrests and killings of civilians, as well as burning down local homes.

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