Junta Only Offers Compensation for Houses Burned Down to Pa-O Supporters Hsihseng, Shan State

Junta Only Offers Compensation for Houses Burned Down to Pa-O Supporters Hsihseng, Shan State

The Junta decided  to pay compensation only to its Pa-O supporters, for homes burned down in the clashes in Hsihseng town, southern Shan State, locals reported on June 18. Only those with ties to the Junta and its ally, the Pa-O National Organization (PNO), were compensated.

On January 21, in the Meneitaung area of Hopong, heavy clashes between Junta-PNO joint forces and the Pa-O National Liberation Army (PNLA) led to over 150 houses being burnt down.

In early June, the Junta and the PNO began paying 1 million Myanmar Kyats to those, whose houses were completely burnt down during the clashes, 700,000 MMK to those whose houses were partially destroyed, and 200,000 MMK to those whose houses were hit by bullets.

However, only those connected to the Junta and PNO received compensation, while ordinary civilians did not.

A female resident of Hsihseng said, "Our house was completely decimated, but we did not get any compensation. All we got was just a cup, a bucket, a plate, a small raincoat, three packets of dry noodles, and two cans of fish. When we heard that some people received compensation, we investigated and found out that only those related to the Junta and PNO were paid”.

The Junta's Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief, and Resettlement announced that residents reported home damages through local ward and village administrators, and the General Administration Department. After thorough verification, they disbursed a total of 46 million

MMK in the first batch, over 396 million MMK in the second batch, and nearly 450 million MMK in the third batch for compensation.

However, ordinary civilians do not receive this compensation, leaving the people of Hsihseng, affected by the conflict, struggling to find shelter and rebuild their livelihoods amidst the destruction of their homes.

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