Junta Night-time Drones Gather Intelligence on Arakan Army- Held Areas

Junta Night-time Drones Gather Intelligence on Arakan Army- Held Areas

The Military Council has launched drone and reconnaissance flights within the areas under the control of the Arakan Army (AA) in three townships of Rakhine State, locals said.

According to residents, the Junta’s drone reconnaissance flights have been spotted operating at night in the suburbs of Mrauk-U, Rathedaung, and Buthidaung townships starting from this week.

On the night of July 25th, at approximately 11:00 pm, residents observed the Military Council's drones hovering over the downtown area of Mrauk-U, and the hilly regions surrounding the township, an unnamed person close to the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA) told Narinjara.

"This is a clear provocation by the Military Council. They're flying their drones over AA outposts near Mrauk-U and capturing images. Our AA troops are strongly deployed in those areas”, he said.

From July 21st - 25th, Military Council drones carried out a minimum of two night-time reconnaissance flights in the vicinity of villages and mountains on the outskirts of Rathedaung and Buthidaung, locals claimed.

"It looks like they deployed drones for reconnaissance between 9:00 pm and 10:00 pm The drones passed by  the village and headed towards the mountains”, a witness recalled.

In the region between Buthidaung and Ratheduang townships, there are several villages, including Yekaungchaung, Khayuchaung, Pethadu, Thinedapote, Thapyayseik, Sitaung, Kanpyin, and Sapahtar.

"After the incident with the drones flying over our villages, the locals are concerned about the possibility of further aggressive operations in the region”, the aforementioned witness from Buthidaung added.

The Military Council and AA have maintained an informal ceasefire since November 26th of last year. During the ceasefire period, the Military Council conducted drone reconnaissance flights in AA-controlled areas, and their troops infiltrated into these regions with full equipment and weapons. They also deployed

significant military forces using both land and water routes. Additionally local residents reported that inspections in downtown areas of Rakhine State have intensified, and the regime's military bases are demonstrating their strength by firing small arms and artillery.

ULA/AA spokesperson U Khaing Thu Kha warned that such actions by the Military Council are considered acts of aggression and could lead to a breach of the ceasefire commitments, potentially re-igniting battles in the region.

Photo caption - AA showcases an Israeli-made military drone captured from the Military Council in June 2020

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