Junta Launches Aerial Bombardments on KNU-Occupied Let Khat Taung Hill Military Camp

Junta Launches Aerial Bombardments on KNU-Occupied Let Khat Taung Hill Military Camp

The Junta’s air- force conducted a bombing raid on the Let Khat Taung hill-based military camp near Myawaddy Township in Karen State, currently under the control of the Karen National Union (KNU) according to front-line sources.

At approximately 4:20 pm on January 16th, a jet aircraft targeted the camp where the troops of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the armed wing of the KNU, were stationed. The extent of injuries and damage remains unknown.

On social media, the commander of Cobra Column No. 1 satirically questioned, "Are they bombing Let Khat Taung just because they have excess fuel?"

"Two 500-pound bombs were dropped on Let Khat Taung from an aircraft”, a frontline source also confirmed.

On July 6th, the strategically significant hill-based camp was seized from the Military Council by KNLA’s 6th Brigade and allied resistance forces.

Following the loss of the Let Khat Taung camp, the Military Council has intermittently conducted airstrikes on the site, resulting in damage to pagodas, stupas, and other religious structures on the hill.

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