Junta kills 50 civilians in Mon State since coup

Junta kills 50 civilians in Mon State since coup

The number of innocent civilians killed by the military has reached 50 in Mon State since the military coup, according to the data released by the Assistance Association of Political Prisoners (AAPP) as of March 11.

After the military takeover, 20-year-old Ko Zin Lin Htet from Mawlamyine was the first to be shot dead on February 28, 2021 while protesting peacefully, followed by seven-year-old Ma Win Win Yi who was killed in the junta’s artillery attack in Thaton Township.

According to AAPP, these innocent civilians were shot dead while protesting peacefully against the military regime. Some of them died in the interrogation center, and some were hit by the junta’s heavy weapons.

The highest number of civilian deaths due to military council troops is almost 1,300 in Sagaing, followed by Mandalay, Yangon, Magway, and Bago regions; Kachin State, Taninthary Region, Kayah State, Shan State, Chin State, Mon State, and Ayeyarwaddy Region.

In the 768 days since the military coup, 3,120 people have died in junta’s brutal crackdown and 20,297 people have been detained, according to AAPP.

According to AAPP, these figures are the most recent estimates gathered from the ground, and the actual death toll may be higher.

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