Junta continues to carry out targeted attacks on civilians in KNU territory

Junta continues to carry out targeted attacks on civilians in KNU territory

The military council continues to carry out targeted airstrikes and artillery fire against civilians in territory held by the Karen National Union (KNU), and has reached its highest point in 2023, the Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG) told Than Lwin Times.

Military council forces operating in KNU territory are still fighting alongside KNLA joint forces, launching artillery and airstrikes on villages and farms.

Due to targeted attacks on civilians in KNU Brigade 5 (Hpapon District), Brigade 3 (Nyaunlaybin District) and Brigade 1 (Thaton District) between January and March, at least five civilians were killed and 11 were injured between January and March, said Saw Nanda Suu, the KHRG’s campaign official.

Saw Nanda Suu said, “As a result of the military council’s attack, 28 buildings, including religious buildings, medical clinics, and residential homes, were destroyed, as well as property belonging to local residents, including cars and motorcycles. The villagers, including women and children, were injured or killed in the attacks between the two sides. In addition, the junta’s targeted attacks on the civilian population worsened in 2023, and the people are facing risks and life insecurity”.

The junta army’s targeted attack has forced the locals to flee their homes, and humanitarian assistance is urgently needed, he added.

Saw Nanda Suu further claimed, “Targeting civilians is a gross violation of international humanitarian law. In Karen State, there is still no stability. Fighting has continued in the state in recent months, including exchanges of fire and airstrikes”.

Targeted attacks by the regime forces on civilians are common in the areas of the KNU Brigade 5 (Hpapon District), Brigade 3 (Nyaunlaybin District) and Brigade 1 (Thaton District) , where the military conflict is intensifying day by day.

According to a statement by the Karen Peace Support Network (KPSN), there are more than 500,000 civilians who are fleeing the junta’s brutal acts and human rights violations in KNU territory, and they are now in urgent need of humanitarian aid.

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