During an invasion of Nyawpyin village in Launglon Township, Tanintharyi Region, the Military Council troops burned down many houses, locals said.
On January 8th, around 10:00 am Junta troops ignited fires at the fishing wharfs near Pho Pho Kyauk beach, and subsequently, around 5:00 pm they invaded the village to burn down residential houses.
"The flames from the arson attack that began in the evening, and persisted until after 7:00 pm with flames so vividly visible from a distance, that it appeared as if almost the entire village had been burned down”, a villager told IMNA. Based on
preliminary reports, the Military Council troops destroyed over 100 houses in Nyawpyin village.
Witnesses reported that the Military Council column, engaged in extensive ground operations for two weeks by traversing villages in the southern part of Launglon Township, reached Pho Pho Kyauk beach near Nyawpyin village on January 7th.
Over the last 10 days, the Military Council has set fire to approximately 40 houses in Sitpyea, Laythunkhan, Hinchotaw, Thanlyin (Thabawtseik), and Thakyettaw villages around Launglon.
Moreover, in March 2023, the Military Council, in collaboration with its subordinate Pyu-Saw-Htee militia, committed arson in Nyawpyin village, resulting in the destruction of over 90 houses, according to locals.