An interview with U Sai Nyunt Lwin, Vice-Chair-1 of the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD)

An interview with U Sai Nyunt Lwin, Vice-Chair-1 of the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD)
by -
Ying Tai (Shan Herald Agency for News)

The SNLD is a strong party among ethnic parties in Myanmar. The SNLD secured 42 of 1,117 constituencies across the country in the recent elections. The SNLD stood third following the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) and the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP).

The SNLD secured 41 seats—13 in the lower house, two in the upper house and 27 in the Shan State parliament. The BNI asked U Sai Nyunt Lwin, Vice-Chair-1 of the SNLD about election experience, objectives and suggestions for the future union and measures to be taken.

Q: First of all, do you think that the 2020 General Election is free and fair? What is your assessment?

A: There may be some flaws. I do not think it is done strategically. In the 2010 Election there were similar issues. There were no such issues in the 2015 General Elections and the 2020 General Elections. There might be some weaknesses and defects such as the personal acts and the violations of laws. It cannot be said that these issues occurred under the strategic plans.

Q: To what extent is the SNLD satisfied with the number of seats it won in the recent election?

A: I am definitely not satisfied. We expected the SNLD to secure around 60 seats. We did fairly ok when compared with other ethnic parties.

The NLD alone got more seats than other parties as predicted. But the remaining parties saw a decline in the number of seats. Some parties secured no seats. The SNLD‘s maintained about the same position as in 2015 but lost three seats. All in all for the SNLD the situation remains unchanged.

Q: Why don’t the small ethnic parties get the upper hand in Shan State? May I know your view?

A: They have failed to unite.

Q: In addition to the SNLD, the NLD secured many seats in Shan State. Do you think the NLD’s victory gives them the upper hand over the ethnic parties?

A: This is the public’s decision. We get the votes, if the public cast their votes for us. There might be unfair cases in some places. If there are unfair cases then we will file appeals.

Q: May I know the SNLD’s priority tasks in the coming parliamentary term and outside the parliament?

A: The party will carry out work in accord with our agreed policies. Outside of parliamentary tasks there is an organization called the UNA. We have allied organizations that share our ideas and policies. We will join hands with these organizations. Here I want to say every ethnic party needs to have a policy of forming alliances. A party cannot stand alone. Nothing will happen if they stand alone. That’s why all ethnic parties need to have better policies in this area.

Q: Does the SNLD control its lawmakers? If the party has control over policy, how does the party control them?

A: Our party has a supporting group which supervises the parliament. The party has formed a committee. If the MPs have difficulty in raising the questions and submitting the proposals, then they will raise these issues with the party. We will submit the draft bills if necessary.

Q: What will the SNLD do for the building of a federal union?

A: The sure point is our MPs will be in the Union parliament whether or not our MPs are included in the government. The MPs will be in Shan State parliament as well as in the Kachin State parliament.

The SNLD stands for the emergence of a federal union in parliament. The SNLD will do work in and outside the parliament.

Q: Is the SNLD ready to agree with the appointment of ministers if the ruling party offers to include SNLD in the Shan State government?

A: First the SNLD has the policy of equal footing among the parties. We need to hold talks by keeping abreast of other ethnic parties. As a second step we will think whether we should be included in the state government depends on whether the SNLD can agree with NLD over policy. The key point is to have the same policies.


Q: Do you have anything to add?

A: It is a little bit early to say what will happen next? It is difficult to say exactly as the NLD has not yet formed the new government.

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