An interview with Mi Yin Yin Nu, a candidate from Mon Unity Party

An interview with Mi Yin Yin Nu, a candidate from Mon Unity Party
by -
Yan Lin Aung (MNA)

Mon State is one of the NLD party's strong areas. The chance of winning a seat from the NLD by other parties is rated as very low. In the 2015 General Election, the NLD secured the majority seats in Mon State—10 for the lower house parliament, 11 out of 12 seats for the upper house parliament and 16 out of 20 seats for the Mon State parliament.

It is interesting how the candidates in Mon State will compete with the NLD. The following is an interview with Mi Yin Yin Nu, a candidate from Mon Unity Party about the difficulties during the election campaign period. 

Q: As a lower house candidate, what are you making to the voters?

A: I have prepared many tasks for the voters. The people in Paung Township are living at the foot of the Mountain. Some others are living near the sea. I have mainly prepared to do regional development tasks. I have preventive measures against natural disasters for those living at the foot of the mountain. Not only that but also my party has many plans.

 Q: What is your regional development program?

A: The regional development program is in two parts. The first is a human resource

 development. The second is the development of business in the region. As our region mainly is mainly dependent on farming, I have a plan to implement a double-cropping pattern for farmers. For human resource development, vocational works, or business operations, we need to teach the people suited to them. People need to learn vocational education. Due to climate change, we need modern technologies and many sources to do harvesting in time. This is my plan.

Q: Many political parties have complained about the restrictions during the canvassing due to the COVID-19. What is your view?

A: Now The whole country is dealing with the pandemic. Canvassing in our township faces many difficulties due to the pandemic. I am concerned about the health of my supporters. I have requested them not to follow in the election campaigns.

Q: Paung Township faces the severest natural disaster. Last year, natural disasters caused losses to the township. What will you deal with the natural disaster problems in the township if you secure the seat?

A: The current situation in Paung Township is totally different from that in my childhood. There were no natural disasters when I was young. The district is endowed with mountains, sea and inhabited by many different ethnic groups. Mining operations damage the natural beauty. Another problem is the illegal logging, which is a non-renewable resource. I will scrutinize whether the timber logging is for export. We need to reform some of the laws to stop this kind of harmful business that destroys our environment. It is of great importance to protect the public interest. Zinkyaik Mountain and Kalarma Mountain are part of our renowned cultural heritage. We are able to harvest tree roots and fruits used for the production of traditional medicine from these mountains. We will lose our precious natural resources if they become mining sites. I have planned to protect our environment in accordance with the law.

Q: Do you have anything to add?

A: I would like to urge the public to take good care of their health. Wash their hands very often. Stay vigilant about what is good for your health. As I am a native of this township. I urge you to vote for me in the election. Thanks to you all.

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