Interview with Ko Than Naing, upper house candidate

Interview with Ko Than Naing, upper house candidate
by -
Yan Lin Aung (MNA)

The ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) and the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) are strong in Chaungzon Township (Belugyn) in Mon State. A major interest is how local ethnic parties will compete with two major parties.

The MNA has an interview with young candidate Ko Than Naing (aka) Nai Sike Yaw who has registered to run for the upper house Constituency-2 from Mon Unity Party (MUP) about preparation for the election, difficulties during the election campaign, and challenges. It is difficult for local parties to secure a victory in Chaungzon Township.

Q: Why did you decide to compete in the election?

A: The first point is the merger to form the Mon Unity Party. The next point is that youth should play an important role in politics

Q: Why did you register to compete in the election representing the MUP?

A: I decide to choose MUP as it is a home-grown ethnic party. I like MUP’s political aspiration that the ethnic sector plays an important role in building up a federal Union to achieve ethnic equality.

Q: As a youth, what are your challenges in competing in the election against the NLD and the USDP that were strong in the previous election in Chaungzon Township?

A: I face many challenges. The first thing is our party is a small ethnic-based party. This is my first time experience in politics. I lack experience in being well-prepared. I lost contact with my region as I worked in an international organization. That’s why I face some difficulties. The people in the south of Belugyun Township do not know anything about me. The second difficulty is the campaign period coincides with the covid-19 pandemic. I have to spend too much time finding safe places for canvassing.  

Q: What problems are caused by COVID-19 restrictions?

A: The first is a gathering of the approved meeting number of fewer than 50 people. In practice, the -social distancing rule of six feet is difficult. I worry during the campaign due to the spread of COVID-19.

The northern area is ok as the party is based there. I face difficulty in meeting with the public as I am not familiar with the southern area. I am doing canvassing in two ways —the introduction via online and interview with the media through social media, and daily round-table discussion.

Q: What are your election pledges?

A: As an ethnic youth I will mainly get involved in the local peace-building processes for the emergence of a federal Union, which is the MUP’s policy.

The second thing is youth development tasks for education, sports and employment opportunities.

The third point is human rights.  I have been engaging in human rights monitoring work in ethnic regions for 10 years. If I become an elected candidate, I will help the government drafting laws that meet the international standards for the responsibility and accountability for human rights.

The last point is the development of Belugyun Township. Our region has great potential for tourism development. I have promised to implement tourism-related projects for the development of the tourism sector and help develop small-scale industries.

Q: Do you have anything to add?

A: Now five parties will compete in the election in Belugun.I want the voters to get information about the candidates. What are the candidates’ experiences and political expectations? The voters can correctly choose the candidates only after they get the information about candidates. I would like to urge candidates to engage directly with the public. The pandemic coincides with the election. I would like to urge the people to vote for the candidates best suited to take care of their health.

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