Import of medicines to Rakhine banned from Burma proper, drug dealers arrested

Import of medicines to Rakhine banned from Burma proper, drug dealers arrested

The military council has reportedly banned the import of medicines from Burma proper to Rakhine State. Some drug dealers have also been arrested by the junta authority.

Permission to import medicines to northern Rakhine State was restricted on 25 September. The authority in the Ann checkpost did not allow the vehicle to carry the medicines, said a pharmacy owner.

In addition to the prohibition, the junta forces have started arresting the pharmacy owners. On 3 October, the army personnel detained U Ba Kyaw (65 years old) from Mrauk U, an ancient city of Arakan State.

He was abducted by the fully armed soldiers after entering his shop at Mrauk U central market on Monday morning. The family has no contact with him since the arrest.

“We don't know the reason why he was arrested and where he has been taken by the junta forces,” said a family member.

The banning of medicine transportation and also arrest of the pharmacy shop owner created a sensation to other pharmacy shop owners.

One of the pharmacy owners in Sittwe informed Narinjara News over telephone that there is only one month’s stock of medicines. If the ban continues, the people will be in trouble in the coming days, he added.

“There is no official instruction about carrying drugs in Rakhine State. But the military personnel will not allow it to cross the checkpoint. So it’s a difficult situation.” he asserted.

U Pe Than, a former member of the People's Hluttaw from Maebon township, argues that the intention of junta forces is to prevent the supply of medicines to ULA/AA members. He alleged that it is a war crime as the common people are suffering from the shortage of medicines.

“ULA/AA was even given the Covid-19 doses by the junta forces. So it’s cruel to cut off the supply of medicines to the civilians. The purpose of restricting medicines and food items is to kill people. They are committing a war crime,” he added.

On 25 September, the army personnel arrested two Mrauk U town based brothers from the Free Oxygen Support Group. The older brother is its secretary and the other one is a member. Since their arrests, the families have no clue about them.

The conscious people argue that the military council’s restriction of medicines to AA members is nothing but a stupid idea as it will not affect the organisation much. However, the common Rakhine nationals will be affected by the restriction, they asserted.

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