Fighting on Shan Karenni border ongoing for nearly a month

Fighting on Shan Karenni border ongoing for nearly a month

Junta and defence forces have been fighting for nearly a month in the border area between Shan and Kayah states near to Shan State’s Moebye Town.

According to a Moebye People’s Defence Force (PDF) statement, the fighting started on 2 September and was still continuing on 2 October. It reported that over that time nine defence force fighters have died, 10 were badly injured and 94 others suffered injuries, while 80 junta soldiers were killed and many others were injured.

Also, six civilians, including three children under the age of 10 were killed and 13 other civilians were injured by the fighting.

Moebye PDF also warned people not to travel or move around in the area because the junta forces have been planting mines.

Defence forces involved in the ongoing fighting include: Moebye PDF, Pekon PDF B-01, Loikaw PDF, Central Region task Force, DMO 1107 Battalion, Nay Pyi Taw PDF, Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF,) the Karenni Army (KA), Karenni generation-Z and the United Resistance Force (URF).

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