Fifty teachers from various localities will be trained from April 8 to 12 to uplift Kayah literature and culture, according to the Kayah Literature and Culture Committee’s secretary Khu Peh Nyoe Reh.
The training is given to primary teachers who can teach Kayah literature in line with five points of the curriculum, namely mother tongue, traditional culture and customs, famous Saophas from the Kayah area, staff rules and regulations and ethics, and ICT (computer and internet skills).
“Our people can’t do it alone to develop this Kayah literature and culture,” said Khu Peh Nyoe Reh.
Cooperation has been made with experts on the technical areas of the Basic Education Department and curriculum.
The state government will assist in uplifting the ethnic literature and culture sector by allocating budgets for ethnic literature and culture in the upcoming 2019-2020 fiscal year, according to Khu Peh Nyoe Reh.
Pyithu Hluttaw MP Dr. Khin Si Thu said the public, the government, and the Hluttaw need to harmoniously support the preservation of literature and culture.
“This literature is like human resources. We need to understand that no one will know about it and trust it if we don’t preserve it,” said Dr. Khin Si Thu.