Farmers in Loikaw Persist Amid Military Council Threats and Checks

Farmers in Loikaw Persist Amid Military Council Threats and Checks

Amidst the persistent threat posed by military council troops and the stringent inspections, certain farmers in Loikaw Township, Karenni State, are continuing their farming endeavors, as reported by farmers.

A farmer from Loikko Township shared, "Once, while heading to the fields, we met soldiers who told us we needed a recommendation letter to farm. So, we had to go and get one."

Furthermore, residents reported that the Military Council troops launched artillery shells indiscriminately along the road to Loikaw and Demoso townships, and they also laid landmines in the area.

At present, farmers in Loikaw Township are engaged in rice cultivation for the current year, although they are conducting it on a restricted scale, as reported by the farmers.

"They came to clear the artillery shells that landed in the fields. In certain areas, we are prohibited from farming due to the presence of landmines," added a farmer.

Ongoing clashes between the Military Council troops and the Karenni revolutionary forces across numerous townships in Karenni state have resulted in significant challenges for the majority of farmers, who are currently unable to engage in farming activities.

"Once, I witnessed airstrikes targeting Demoso. It was frightening, but I mustered the courage to continue farming. If I don't do this, I'll face hunger," shared another farmer.

As a result of the persisting conflict in the area and the constraints imposed by the Military Council troops, Karenni farmers are encountering substantial challenges in their agricultural pursuits. Moreover, the farmers noted a decline in crop yields attributed to the elevated cost of fertilizers, insufficient water availability for fields and farms, and the inability to effectively manage weed growth on their farms.

If farming becomes infeasible, it is anticipated that there will be heightened food and rice shortages in the upcoming years. Consequently, farmers are making efforts to replant crops to the best of their ability, despite the prevailing risks.

In the previous month, a woman from Loikaw tragically stepped on a landmine while journeying to a hillside farm, resulting in the loss of one of her legs. This incident has instilled concerns among farmers about the potential threat posed by landmines.

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