Farmer Killed from Landmine Explosion

Farmer Killed from Landmine Explosion

A farmer was killed this Tuesday after accidentally detonating a landmine in Kyaukme Township in northern Shan State.

Chit Maung, 59, detonated the anti-personnel mine with his knife after discovering it lying in his corn field at about 1:30 pm, Sai Nay Aung, who is working with Kan Lint Let Myar Social Volunteer group, told SHAN.

“He picked up the landmine and knocked it with his knife,” he says, killing him instantly.

Sai Nay Aung says fatalities from exploding anti-personnel mines are common in northern Shan State where many locals don’t know what they are, despite the presence of multiple armed groups operating in the area.

Although no clashes were reported in the area, it was a jungle where the explosion occurred until residents converted it into rotational farmland.

Chit Maung’s body was taken to Naung Bing Regional Hospital.

The Burma Army, the Restoration Council of the Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA), and the Shan State Progressive Party/Shan State Army are based in Kyaukme Township.

RCSS/SSA clashed with Burma Army in the township at least 20 times between June 25 and July 21, says the ethnic armed organization’s spokesperson Lt-Col Sao Oum Khur.

Tatmadaw soldiers shot and killed Long Su in the village of Pang Kyin on June 29. Nang Seng, who is from the same village, was also shot by the Burma Army. She survived the attack. Sai Aik Maung, from Akee village, was beaten unconscious by soldiers and hospitalized.

On July 10, over 10,000 protested the attacks on civilians by Burma Army soldiers in the town of Kyaukme.

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