The Myanmar junta launched at least eight airstrikes on Chin State’s Mindat Township between 7 and 13 January 2023, according to the Chinland Defense Force-Mindat [CDF-Mindat].
Junta army airstrikes and ground attacks on Mindat Township started with two airstrikes on 7 January, which were followed up on 8 January with a further two airstrikes. Later in the month, the junta launched two airstrikes against Mindat on 21 January and three on 23 January, making for eight airstrikes on the township since 7 January.
A total of four people were injured and five IDP [internally displaced people] shelters including a monastery were bombed [in the eight airstrikes]”, said a resident.
CDF-Mindat also said that four IDPs were injured by the junta’s air strikes during the period.
Shortly after the airstrike, the junta army fired heavy-artillery at monasteries and IDP camps.
According to local residents the attacks have caused over 2,000 people to flee the area.
A CDF spokesperson said that the junta’s use of artillery and fighter jets against civilians are crimes against humanity that go against international humanitarian law.
At the time of reporting, 25 January, all internet and telphone connections to Mindat were cut off.
Similarly, the junta bombed the Chin National Front (CNF) in Chin State’s Thantlang Township on the Indo-Burmese border on 10-11 January, which caused more than 200 people to flee to India.
Since the military coup in February 2021 until November 2022, at least 1,489 houses and buildings in Chin State have been torched during clashes, according to an Institute for Strategy and Policy-Myanmar report that also said that armed clashes and conflicts had resulted in at least 99,550 IDPs in Chin State, with the highest number of IDPs, 35,000 staying in the state capital, Hakha.