East Timor and NUG Condemns Military Council’s Expulsion of Top Diplomat

East Timor and NUG Condemns Military Council’s Expulsion of Top Diplomat

Both the government of East Timor (Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste) and the National Unity Government (NUG) have condemned the coup Military Council's directive, which mandates the departure of the current charge d'affaires overseeing the East Timor embassy in Yangon by September 1st, accusing it as an unlawful act.

Ignoring repeated warnings, East Timor's persistent engagement with the NUG has inflicted harm upon the amicable relationship between Myanmar and Timor, while also providing encouragement to the NUG's activities, as stated by the Military Council. Consequently, the charge d'affaires received written notification from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Military Council on August 25th, directing his departure from Myanmar.

NUG’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on August 28th that the sole prerogative for international diplomatic matters lies with a duly elected government vested with a popular mandate, contending that the Military Council, having assumed power through illegitimate avenues, lacks the appropriate authority to make such decisions, thereby categorizing the Military Council's expulsion of East Timor's top diplomat as an unlawful measure.

Similarly, in a separate statement, the East Timor government expressed condemnation of the Military Council's mandated expulsion. East Timor affirmed its unwavering support for the citizens of Myanmar and implored the Military Council to uphold human rights and pursue peaceful solutions to prevailing issues.

"The Military Council seems to be very bitterly disappointed that they were excluded from the new East Timorese government's swearing-in event last month, attended solely by NUG representatives. Severing diplomatic ties used to be reserved for critical situations, such as when countries teetered on the brink of war. The Military Council's decision to break off diplomatic relations due to East Timor's recognition of NUG and lack of acknowledgement to them seems not just odd, but also displays rudeness and a lack of professionalism”, said U Than Soe Naing, a political analyst.

East Timor is known for its proactive stance on Myanmar's political affairs, with Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao stating that his nation would refrain from joining the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) unless the Myanmar Crisis is addressed under the guidance of the regional bloc.

Pro-Junta factions are actively creating and disseminating propaganda on social networks, asserting that Myanmar is presently under military governance, thus making it justifiable to expel any country associated with organizations prohibited by the military.

Having endured over two decades under Indonesia's rule, marked by conflicts, unrest, and famine, East Timor has emerged as an independent sovereign nation. Presently, it is striving to establish itself as a proactive advocate of democracy and has garnered fundamental support from all existing ASEAN member nations for its pursuit of becoming a new member of the bloc.

In July, NUG Foreign Minister, Daw Zin Mar Aung, received an invitation to represent Myanmar at the inauguration of East Timor's new government. Notably, the Military Council was excluded from the event. As a response, the Military Council called in East Timor's charge d'affaires and issued a warning.

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