Drug addiction on the rise in Mon State after coup

Drug addiction on the rise in Mon State after coup

After the military coup, drug use has increased in urban and rural areas of Mon State, the people working for drug abuse and youth affairs told Than Lwin Times.

There is a significant increase in drug use in Ye, Thanbyuzayat and Mudon Townships as well as in Paung, Chaungsone, Mawlamyine, Kyaikmaraw, Belin, Thaton and Kyaikto.

According to drug use surveys, more than 90% of young individuals between the ages of 16 and 30 in Ye Township and Thanphyuzarat Township have started using drugs since the military coup.

After the coup, there was a shortage of job opportunities in the state, and the easy availability of drugs led to a rise in drug use.

In addition, the regime troops are themselves involved in the drug trade, a Mon youth activist said.

He said the military council is no longer taking effective action against drug dealers and users, as drug use has become widespread among young people in rural areas.

A resident said that because drugs are now easily available, consumption has increased dramatically, leading to suicide over mental disorders and violence against others.

In the villages, WY and kratom are mainly used, and there are also problems related to drugs.

On October 31, a four-year-old boy died in Mudong Township when his drug-addicted uncle stabbed him to death with a knife.

Mon State may face a worse situation if the problem of drug trafficking and usage is not controlled as quickly as possible, according to those who are working on drug issues.

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