Domestic Violence Complaints Seriously Under-Reported in Rakhine State

Domestic Violence Complaints Seriously Under-Reported in Rakhine State

Out of 300 cases of violence in Rakhine State, only 30 of them are reported

In Rakhine State, women's affairs organizations have reported at least 40 cases of domestic violence against women from January to September 4 this year but this only represents the tip of the iceberg according to the Rakhine Women's Initiative Organization (RWIO). It is estimated that out of  300 known cases of domestic violence  in Rakhine State, only 30 of them are reported.

Between January and the end of August this year, the Rakhaing Women's Initiative Organization (RWIO) received reports of 6 cases of domestic violence: 3 from Rathedaung Township, 2 from Sittwe Township, and 1 from Buthidaung Township. Approximately 15 cases have been the subject of consultations.

Saw San Nyein Thu, the chairperson of the Rakhaing Women's Initiative Organization (RWIO), expressed, "Year after year, we see no decrease in domestic violence against women in Rakhine."

She explained that among the reported cases, there were typically incidents involving verbal abuse, physical beatings resulting in injuries, and in some instances, individuals barely survived due to the severity of the beatings.

Between January and September 4 this year, the Rakhaing Women's League for Humanity - Sittwe (Central Department) received reports of 17 cases of domestic violence against women from Sittwe Township. Women activists have noted that in Rakhine State, cases of domestic violence reported by women are still significantly underreported, primarily due to intimidation and a lack of awareness..

Saw Ma Pu Sein the chairperson of the Rakhaing Women's League for Humanity - Sittwe (Central Department), stated, "Out of 300 cases of violence, only 30 of them are reported." "Typically, women endure silently. They are worried about how they will manage to support themselves if they decide to end the relationship due to their complaints. They often feel powerless, leading them to voice their concerns less frequently," she explained.

Saw Ma Pu Sein elaborated on the details. "The most prevalent cases we handle now, concern husbands involved in extramarital relationships. They fail to provide adequate financial support for their wives at home while indulging in outside pleasures. There are numerous instances where they neglect their responsibilities, even abandoning their pregnant partners."

Women's activists have noted that domestic violence often stems from factors such as drug abuse, alcohol consumption, and economic hardship.

According to the data compiled by the Rakhaing Women's League for Humanity - Sittwe (Central Department), there were 37 instances of women reporting domestic violence in Sittwe Township during the year 2022.

In cases of domestic violence against women, perpetrators can be prosecuted under various legal provisions, including Section 294 (swearing with obscene words), Section 354 (assault or criminal force with intent to outrage her modesty), Section 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), and Section 376 (sexual assault).

Daw May Shinn, a married woman residing in Ma Kyee Myaing Ward, Sittwe Township, shared, "Women should not feel disheartened if they experience domestic violence. They should seek assistance from relevant organizations and strive to rebuild their lives. Living with lasting trauma is not necessary."

According to women's activists, domestic violence complaints by women in rural areas of Rakhine State are typically low. Therefore, they stress the importance of authorities and organizations taking proactive measures to raise awareness on this critical issue.

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