Current Situation in Thandwe Town Following AA Control

Current Situation in Thandwe Town Following AA Control

Following its complete takeover of Thandwe Town in Arakan (Rakhine) State, the Arakha Army (AA) has closed all entry and exit points of the town and pursued fleeing junta soldiers in efforts to neutralize them.

"We've received reports that AA now holds full control over Thandwe. All town entrances and exits are closed," disclosed a military source.

Meanwhile, junta forces in Thandwe have retreated to the Maung Shwe Lay Naval Base, and approximately 400 locals trapped in the town have been evacuated to safety by AA.

"Residents trapped in Thandwe faced significant risks from junta naval and aerial bombardments, prompting AA to relocate them to safer locations," reported a Thandwe resident.

As of now, AA has not officially commented on the capture of Thandwe. DMG continues efforts to reach AA spokesperson U Khaing Thu Kha for confirmation.

Skirmishes continue between AA and remaining junta troops in various parts of Thandwe Township, while junta airstrikes and shelling are escalating near Ngapali Beach.

Previously housing three major junta bases, Thandwe now sees two destroyed—the 566th Light Infantry Battalion and the 55th Infantry Battalion—leaving only the Maung Shwe Lay Naval Base operational.

Military and political analyst U Pe Than highlighted that AA's control over strategically crucial Thandwe would yield substantial economic and political benefits, dealing a severe blow to the junta and its supporters.

"Thandwe hosts numerous hotels and businesses owned by junta-affiliated families and cronies. With Ngapali being a renowned global tourist destination, AA's control over Thandwe marks a political victory for itself and a significant setback for the junta," remarked U Pe Than.

After over 8 months of renewed conflict in Arakan State, AA has secured all northern townships except Sittwe and Maungdaw, intensifying efforts to extend control over southern townships as well.

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