Covid-19 hits Mon State Fishery: Export prices and demand drop significantly

Covid-19 hits Mon State Fishery: Export prices and demand drop significantly
Seafood purchasing center at Thanlwin Market, Mon State’s Capital Mawlamyine (Photo: MNA)
Seafood purchasing center at Thanlwin Market, Mon State’s Capital Mawlamyine (Photo: MNA)

Reported by: Yang Lin Aung

Mon State relies on the market in China to export its shrimp and fishes. With the arrival of Covid-19, sales of this commodity have stopped. According to the Mon State Fishery Federation, the demand has dropped by 80%.

Since China closed its borders due to Covid-19, sales of export products like seafood, fruits, and vegetables have declined significantly.

U Myint Soe, Chair of the Fishery Federation told Mon News Agency(MNA) “ demand has dropped by 80 percent…. It [pricing] is not even half of the price anymore. Normally, we get 6000 kyats — but now only 2,000 kyats. These prices are done under black market [conditions].”

Approximately 80% of the fishery harvest for export has been suspended. Seafood products are now being stored in cooling rooms and in containers, according to U Aung Thet Htay, General Manager of Mawlamyine Holding Limited.

U Aung Thet Htay noted, “We have to suspend many projects. We can only export cheaper fish. About 3 containers of cheap fish still have been exported. We could export a lot in the past, now it seems that business has stopped.”

Good quality fish are now selling for half price compared to previous years’ pricing, added U Aung Thet Htay.

Due to the restrictions preventing large gatherings including festivals, trading at the local markets has also declined.

Ko Aung Aung, owner of Daw Lone Done Fish-purchasing Center, in Mawlamyine, reported that “Not much of buying at the center. Since there are no merit-making and donation events, purchasing fish has stopped [and markets are] quiet.”

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