Following his nomination by President-Elect U Htin Kyaw, the Chin State Hluttaw (parliament) appointed U Salai Lian Luai as Chin State Chief Minister on March 29th.
U Salai Lian Luai was elected as the Chin State Hluttaw MP from Falam Township Constituency No. 2 in last year's election. He served as the Hluttaw Chairman in the parliamentary session when U Zo Bwe and U Aung Than were respectively appointed as Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Chin State Hluttaw.
U Salai Lian Luai is a 46 years old, law graduate from Rangoon University and native of Airibual in Falam Township. He served as a law officer in Rangoon, Kalaymyo, Falam, Mindat-Matupi, Amarapura, Sagaing and most recently as a Tamu District Law Officer from 2013 to 2014.
Since his days as a university student, he actively participated in Chin student activities together with Chin student leaders Salai Ram Ling Hmung and Salai Kipp Kho Lian. U Salai Lian Luai lives in Farhtauk ward in Falam with his wife, two sons and two daughters.