The Chin State Chief Minister U Lian Luai met with the Mizo National Front’s president Pu Zoramthanga from Mizoram, India on March 21.
Officials from the Chin State government welcomed the former Mizoram chief minister at Pyidaungsu Yeiktha after he traveled to the state's capital Hakha via Kalaymyo. The meeting was held at the chief minister’s office.
During a meeting with the media in Hakha at around 4 pm, Pu Zoramthanga said he was visiting the Chin State to boost cooperation between the residents of the Chin State and Mizoram and observe potential cooperation in the Chin State for its development.
“In order to implement these tasks with the Chin State government, the Mizo National Front must become the ruling party in Mizoram in upcoming November. We can only implement the tasks desired by us when our party wins,” he told the media.
The media meeting was held at Ri-pan Thitsar Company office in Hakha and was attended by Hakha-based media.