Census preparations underway in Loikaw Township, Karenni State

Census preparations underway in Loikaw Township, Karenni State

On 3 September the junta’s Loikaw Township Census Committee began training census enumerators in Loikaw Township, Karenni (Kayah) State, for the junta’s upcoming ‘Population and Housing Census.’

According to locals, junta government departments in Loikaw Township are preparing for the junta’s census which is planned to precede a junta-organised election in 2025.

U Banyar, the No. 2 Secretary of the Karenni State Interim Executive Council (IEC), the provisional revolutionary government of Karenni State said: “Of course, the junta will push forward with its plans [to hold an election] no matter what. So, it will carry out the census, even if just as a showcase. However, it remains unclear how exactly the junta will conduct this process.”

Despite coup leader Min Aung Hlaing urging the entire population to take part in the census in his speech on the ‘2024 Population and Housing Census’ that is unlikely to happen, as the census will not be carried out in revolutionary controlled areas of the country.

The junta claims that data obtained from the census is essential for making effective administrative and management plans and data-driven decisions.

A Loikaw resident said: "Since last month, I heard that a census might be conducted in Loikaw, but with clashes still happening occasionally in the township, I didn’t think it would actually take place. Currently, in Loikaw Township, there are only people living around the downtown areas, while the rest are still displaced. To be honest, I’m also concerned about privacy and data security with this census. Last year, there was also a data collection effort in Loikaw. Until now, the junta authorities haven’t made any announcements about how they plan to conduct the census here.”

In 2023, population data was collected in some downtown areas of Loikaw, Hpasawng, and Bawlakhe townships in Karenni State, the only areas of those townships where the junta's administrative mechanism still operates.

Resistance forces have urged the public to avoid participating in activities that support the junta's planned elections.

U Banyar said: "The junta is unlikely to gain much from the census in Loikaw [Township], as the census will probably only cover some downtown areas. The local population will struggle to resist the junta's pressure and threats, making it hard to predict what will happen next.”

Following the start of Operation 1111 in Karenni State on 11 November 2023, the resistance movement in Karenni State has gained significant territory. Currently in Loikaw Township the junta only controls the downtown areas of Loikaw Town, whilst fighting is ongoing on the outskirts of the town and the villages of Loikaw Township.

The Karenni IEC was established on 12 June 2023 by the Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC). Since then it has established administrations in eight Karenni State townships.

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