Cancer patients decide to give up treatment amid soaring medicine prices

Cancer patients decide to give up treatment amid soaring medicine prices

Cancer patients made the decision to stop receiving mandatory medical care after the military takeover since the cost had climbed by more than four times.

Chemotherapy costs after removal of cancerous tumors increased from about 100,000 kyats to 500,000 kyats in September, and then to between 1,000,000 and 1,500,000 kyats in October.

A patient claimed that he opted to ignore his illness because he could not afford timely treatment due to the high cost of medication.

After surgery to remove the tumor, cancer patients receive at least 10 rounds of chemotherapy or HERS2 treatments to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.

Foreign medicine importers are having trouble, and the cost of medicine is soaring, as a result of the military council’s restrictions on the import of medicine, the inability to purchase as many dollars as necessary to import medicine, and issues with import permits.

According to drugstore owners, such restrictions have caused the prices of various foreign medicines to skyrocket.

Most cancer drugs have a two-year storability, and some drug imports have been halted since the military council took power.

Since the coup took over a year and a half, some drugs on the market are nearing their expiration dates, and drug sellers believe that there will be a drug shortage soon.

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