The regime burnt down almost all the houses in Tarl, which is on the road from Falam to Hakha in northern Chin State.
“They stayed near our village last night…there’s are only seven houses left standing,” said a resident who’d fled before the soldiers arrived.
Together with others, he watched smoke rising from Tarl from their hiding place in the jungle.
There were 41 houses in the village, which is about 14 miles from Falam town, before the soldiers burnt them down on 9 July and in October, when the army torched 11 houses.
According to the residents of Lon Yan, BA soldiers raided their houses and stole everything of value before going to Tarl to attack it.
Since 29 June, a BA column of 27 trucks has been travelling from Kalay in Sagaing Region to Hakha. Currently, the soldiers are between Falam and the Chin State capital.
On Friday, the Chin National Army and other Chin groups attacked BA soldiers near Htalang Rawn, killing many junta soldiers.
Khonumthung News cannot independently confirm these causalities.