Burma Army Orders Airstrike Against KIO/A In Kachin State

Burma Army Orders Airstrike Against KIO/A In Kachin State

The Burma Army launched an airstrike on a Kachin Independence Organization/Army (KIO/A) base after it attacked a Burma Army camp in Kachin State.

According to Col Naw Bu, from KIO/A's information department, on Thursday, March 11, KIO/A's Battalion 26 (Brigade 9) attacked Tatmadaw's camp near Selzin village, located in Hpakant Township, before it retaliated the same day.

Col Naw Bu said his men attacked the camp at about 3 am and that fighting in the area lasted until 8 am. An hour later, two Tatmadaw combat choppers attacked Battalion 26's headquarters.

During the evening attack, he said KIO/A soldiers captured weapons, ammunition and other supplies. At the time of press, Col Naw Bu couldn't confirm if there were casualties on either side.

Fighting with Burma Army also broke out the same day in Muse Township, located in northern Shan State, he said, where the Burma Army has attacked KIO/A Brigade 4 and 6 almost every day for nearly two months.

Since the February 1 coup, Tatmadaw fought with several of the ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) that signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA), as well as non NCA signatories.

On March 9, fighting between Tatmadaw and Karen National Union (KNU) broke out in KNU's Brigade 1 area, located in Thaton District, Mon State. According to KNU, Burma Army sent reinforcements on Wednesday.

Burma Army also clashed with Restoration Council of Shan State on March 9 in Mong Nawng Township, located in southern Shan State.

The three EAOs pledged support for the peaceful protests against the military dictatorship.

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